• 100% reliability
  • Wholesale only
  • Market leader in used forklifts
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Our history

After more than 50 years of stable growth Lisman Forklifts actively serves material handling professionals in over 80 countries. We’re proud to share our story with you.


2023 - Latest innovation: the 360° photo studio


  • We launched our latest innovation: the 360° photo studio
    As pioneers in the forklift industry, we are the first to deploy this groundbreaking 360° photo studio: a gateway to unprecedented possibilities. Where previously only the outside was visible, we can now show the machines from all sides. Our studio offers a unique experience that pushes boundaries and gives a deeper insight into the power and precision of these machines.
  • Celebrating Anton's 55-Years of Service
    We are delighted to honour Anton Lisman for his incredible 55-year commitment and dedication to our company. As a tribute, Anton will be given a special place on our 'history wall' in B Hall, where his contribution to our organisation will be immortalised forever.
  • Seamless Integration: Digital testing
    In 2023, innovation is key and we are busy improving our processes. One of the innovations is the implementation of digital testing, where the test report is linked directly to the machine. This allows our Area Managers to see the status of the machine at a glance and serve our customers even better.

2022 - Lisman viert 55 jarig jubileum


  • Koen's 25th anniversary
    After a quarter-century of tireless dedication, Koen has not only reached his own milestone, but has actively worked to lift Lisman to new heights. In recognition, we are organising a grand celebration, during which Koen will be presented with a beautiful book detailing the highlights of his career and the impact he has had on our company and the people around him.
  • Lisman celebrates 55th anniversary
    Lisman proudly marks its 55th anniversary. During this time, we have specialised in sourcing and upgrading used equipment, especially forklifts, and we sell them exclusively to professional resellers. This focused approach has led to our current position as the market leader in used forklifts. A milestone we are proud to look back on!


2017 - Mijlpaal: het 50-jarig jubileum


  • The Corona pandemic hits hard the whole world
    Considering the big impact on the Asian market and on the maritime transport sector, Lisman makes the rightful decision to close his branch in Malaysia. All the sales activities are relocated to the headquarters in the Netherlands where the business development team can again take great care of the customers.


  • Milestone: The 50th Anniversary
    Lisman reached an important milestone: the 50th anniversary since the company was founded in 1967! This special year is marked by some memorable achievements. We released a special anniversary book with a brief history of Lisman, surprised our most valued partners with a Helly Hansen® jacket as a present and organised two ‘anniversary days’ in April for our customers. In June there was a fantastic party in Rotterdam for all the present and former employees of Lisman. The company grows further: Lisman in the meanwhile sells more than 6.000 machines on a yearly basis. The international team of more than 60 co-workers speaks 15 languages. We started several projects to improve our internal processes and IT, all to increase the customer satisfaction.


  • Bob joins the board of directors
    As a natural consequence of many years of great work and cooperation with Koen and Anton, Bob joins the board of directors.

2012 - Lisman opens its Asian branch


  • The lisman forklifts group nv is incorporated as holding
    Lisman nowadays exports more than 5,000 machines to more than 80 countries worldwide each year. The Lisman Forklifts Group NV is incorporated as holding for the companies in the Netherlands and Malaysia to highlight the international aspect of our business. The old domains lisman.nl and lismanasia.com merge in the new domain lismanforklifts.com and Lisman introduces a new pay-off: 'Leader in used forklifts'. This underlines our mission as an international, renowned and leading company in used material handling machinery.


  • Lisman opens its Asian branch
    Lisman opens its Asian branch, Lisman Forklifts Asia Sdn Bhd, near Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. As with Lisman Vorkheftrucks in the Netherlands, professionals within the industry can find an excellent variety of high quality stock of more than 400 units of material handling equipment and aerial platforms within the Lisman Asia premises. All sales-ready to be shipped anywhere in South East Asia.

2009 - Lisman builds its third business propery


  • Lisman builds its third business property (the B-hall)
    Jos Lisman and Gert Versteeg leave the company to enjoy retirement. Lisman builds its third business property (the B-hall) close to the two other premises in IJsselstein. The new building contains 7.000 m2 floor space with a covered storage capacity of 6.000 m2, including loft space and an industrial lift to access, a novelty in the industry. This provides Lisman with its third showroom.


  • Gert Versteeg leaves the board
    Gert Versteeg leaves the board of directors and Bob Backers joins Lisman as Operations Manager. Prior to this Bob worked in various logistics and financial functions at Shell and Ahold.

2005 - Lisman a has second showroom


  • Lisman has a second showroom
    Because of expansion Lisman built a second company premises with a surface area of 4,500 m2 for extra storage capacity within the existing industrial park. Lisman has a second showroom (the C-hall),a stone's throw away from the headquarters, at these premises in IJsselstein.


  • Jos passes the directorship and his shares on to his son Koen
    Jos passes the directorship and his shares on to his son Koen, who then manages the company together with Managing Director and co-shareholder Anton and director Gert Versteeg. Lisman adds access equipment to its range.

1999 - Koen Lisman joins the company


  • Koen lisman (son of Jos) joins the company
    Koen Lisman (son of Jos) joins the company and sets up a separate purchasing department. Prior to this, three years following on from his studies in Business Administration, Koen provided commercial management to Rentpower in Utrecht, importer of GS and Fiamm traction batteries, which was formerly part of the family company.


  • Lisman expands its purchasing strategy
    Lisman expands its purchasing strategy and, as well as the purchasing of used machines in Asia, actively focuses on purchasing surplus machine fleets from OEMs within the European Union

1987 - Lisman Grows



  • Lisman grows
    Lisman grows too big for Utrecht and moves to Techniekweg in IJsselstein, where the company has premises with a surface area of 15,000 m2. Gert Versteeg, who joined Lisman shortly before as general manager, joins the board of directors.

1986 - Lift truck news goes global


  • Lift truck news is developed
    After small-scale editions by direct mail, ‘Lift truck News’ is developed. Lisman periodically starts to send full colour mailings around the world, targeting the purchasing profile of international dealers.


  • Lisman buys from Sweden
    Lisman buys a sizeable number of heavy machines from Sweden, which there appears to be great demand for in other parts of the world. This deal lays the financial basis for the company expansion which is to follow. More and more investments are made in supplying machines from Japan which are primarily sold on in Europe.

1977 - Lisman invests in giant IBM computer


  • Lisman invest in gigantic IBM computer
    Lisman makes, as it appears later, a strategic investment in a gigantic IBM computer. This makes Lisman the first European trading company to build an up-to-date database of the global lift truck market by brand interest. Partly thanks to this information, purchasing opportunities are created from early insights into importers’ and dealers’ surplus equipment. Based on this marketing information, Lisman can also observe where and when there is demand for which type of machines.

1972 - Jos Lisman joins


  • Jos Lisman joins
    Jos Lisman, the older brother of Anton, initially works in the automobile industry following his Car Engineering studies. He has supported Lisman Forklift Trucks with the development of international trading activities since the company was founded. In 1972 Jos officially joined the company as a director together with his younger brother and father. In the same year Lisman moved to Jekerstraat, in the centre of Utrecht.

1968 - Anton Lisman Junior joins the company


  • Anton Lisman junior joins
    Anton Lisman junior (current Managing Director and co-shareholder at Lisman Forklift Trucks) joins the company after completing IVA Automobile School in Driebergen.

1967 - Anton Lisman senior founded Lisman Forklifts BV


  • Anton Lisman senior (1914 – 2005†) founded Lisman Vorkheftrucks BV
    Anton Lisman senior founded Lisman Vorkheftrucks BV at Voordorpsedijk in Fort Blauwkapel (Utrecht). The first employee also started working for the company this year. The aim for Lisman is to run a retail and service business in new and used forklift trucks.